You can animate each object (Text, Button, Image, Shape) within the Only Mega editor.

The animation of each object will be controlled using the Timeline tool, which consists of 3 sections (Appear, Stay, Disappear):

In order to change the animation effect of each section, click on the section and select an effect:

You can also create a custom effect, for example, scale and rotate from the left:

In order to modify the duration of each section (Appear, Stay, Disappear) simply resize it on the timeline :

You can also control the delay on the object. This refers to the timing the object has until it becomes visible once the animation begins:

The animation timeline can seem a bit complex at first. However, it’s the best way to create some awesome animated banners!

If you’d like to see some examples of how animation works, use one of our banner templates on and check out how transition effects are applied to each object.